206 BC/220 AD Chines Bronze Tiger
The Detroit Institute of Arts Museum
The lower proper right leg of the tiger was broken off and there were losses along the break join. The fragment was assembled and losses were filled.
"Courtesy of Detroit Institute of Arts, Conservation Department Imaging Lab”
c.1930 Ndebele Linaga Cape
The Detroit Institute of Arts Museum
Numerous small areas of bead loss due to deterioration in cotton thread. There were 65 detached beads and the surface of beads were very dirty. The cape was cleaned and loose threaded beads were consolidated. The detached beads were reattached.
"Courtesy of Detroit Institute of Arts, Conservation Department Imaging Lab”
18th-19th century Canton Enamel Vase
The corner of foot and neck were badly damaged. The copper structure of foot had been distorted. Enamel was flaking in small pieces around the breaks. Flaking enamel was consolidated and distorted copper was reshaped. Large losses were reconstructed using coloured resin and invisibly retouched.
1928 Entrance Gate from Safe-Deposit Vault Lobby, Detroit
Wirt Rowland - American Architect
The Detroit Institute of Arts Museum
The gate originally guarded the safe-deposit box vault of the lowermost public floor of the Union Trust Building, one of the signature, and certainly most innovative, structures erected during the preDepression era in Detroit. The gate was fabricated in Monel metal. The surface had accumulated grime and fingerprints. Metal polish remains in recesses.
"Courtesy of Detroit Institute of Arts, Conservation Department Imaging Lab”
c.1900 Japanese Chestnut Bronze Sculpture
Fukumaru Antique and Fine Art Auction, Kyoto, Japan
A branch of the sculpture was missing and it was reconstructed with resin.
Iron Age Skull, Right Radius and Ulna of Young Male
University of California, Los Angeles and the Institute of Archaeology at Tirana
Albanian Rescue Archaeology Unit
Iron Age skull, right radius and ulna of young male were excavated from the tumulus of Lofkend in Albania. The soil was carefully removed and fragments were assembled.